I’m an ordinary guy from Sweden who have been drinking absinthe since the end of 2015, and by now I have A LOT of absinthe! It should be said that I’m NOT an absinthe puritan, I will not shame anyone that like fake absinthe, doesn’t use ice cold water or drinks from a regular glass, so if you are a puritan yourself then you might get annoyed from time to time while reading this blog. If you are interested I have lots of reviews for you to read. Can’t say I’m very good at identifying different herbs, but I will try to describe them as well as I’m abel (maybe, in time, I’ll get better at it). Instead of using the Wormwood Societys rating system I just give them a rating from 0,5 to 5,0 with steps of 0,5. No real criteria, just my subjective opinion. Apart from reviews I’ll go through some absinthe history, my own thoughts and this and that about everything absinthe. If you are new to absinthe I recommend that you start reading my first 3 posts: Absinthe 101. There you’ll find a shortened version of what absinthe is, some history and myths. If you want to read more about something that you find interesting there will be a lot of links to more elaborated posts on the subject. Remember, English is a second language to me, so there might be some funny mistakes and odd phrasing here and there (some of it purposely). If you read something that you think I got wrong or if you have additional information that you would like to share, please don’t write that in a comment in the post. Instead, send me an email at feddooh@gmail.com. I’d be delighted to hear from you! I will put out new posts Sundays at 12:00, if I have something to write about. That way you don’t have to check for updates too often ;)